Distressed businesses have the opportunity to reinvent themselves and emerge stronger than ever before, if they are willing to embrace change

Distressed Businesses

The ever changing and challenging landscape of the economy that we see today has put pressure on various industries and individual companies, forcing some to close its doors permanently. When American businesses fail its more than a company going out of business its jobs being lost, families being impacted as well as the American economy suffering.
Some of these distressed companies may be at the brink of closure, barely keeping their company afloat, having no access to credit or funding options to carry their company through the tough periods, profits may be slipping dramatically for a number of reasons and such companies may just be at a lost of what to do.
FGA Partners works closely with business owners in this position to do a number of things, FGA may structure a deal in which FGA arranges for the direct acquisition of the distressed company, assist the distressed company in restructuring their company in order to increase its value and business opportunities or arrange for the sale of the assets of the distressed company.
After being approached on a number of occasions to assist such companies, FGA found a need for not only offering the service but also directly making acquisitions in order to keep American jobs and keep American companies functioning as well as growing.
The exit strategy is dependent on the company, industry and the depth of the issues in place, each company is different and we work closely with each business owner so that we can produce results that work.
In some cases some current management may be able to stay in place post restructure.
We deal with all confidential crisis communication with bankruptcy attorneys, shareholders or direct bank workout officers.
Even if you feel that closure of your business is inevitable but have a going concern with a solid customer base and employees in place, contact us and lets explore the possibilities.

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